I ask you all to click on the link below, to see what was done to my Piotrs grave, and then tomorrow I will be posting what happened next, with Polish Police, Polish Prosecutors and the entire Polish State.
But not because I didn't try to regain some dignity for Piotr, some Justice for Piotr, I did, but, this is Poland, so Prosecutors, particularly Pawel Mrozowski in Nowy Sacz, did precisely nothing about this heinous crime, as is his wont. (see about his threats against me here, please read down past the first 2 posts): victimbillmchalethreatenedbymrozowski.blogspot.com
Piotrs grave desecration
The desecration of Piotr's final resting place, my reporting this heinous crime to Polish Prosecutors, and their total inaction and failure to act on the desecration of this sacred ground. Ignoring me, Piotr's Father, and the idea that my beautiful son Piotr should have the dignity in death, that he was so brutally denied in life.