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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Arranging Piotrs' funeral the 31st March 2009, (Part 4), what I did not know about Police, Prosecutors and Pathologist, and what would happen next


And so the above is the final part of the note (certified translation) written by Officer Prokipczak, on the 31st March 2009, as I shopped for Piotrs clothes. The clothes I would put on my beautiful son as I said goodbye to him, the only clothes he would ever wear. and as i did so, the horrors of Police bias, Police misconduct, Police incompetence, Police arrogance, Police bullting and threats, Police witch-hunt, Prosecutorial misconduct, Prosecutorial laziness, Prosecutorial illegality, Prosecutorial brutality were yet to come, but come they did, starting, to my knowledge the following day, the day I would bury my child.
The facts as described by Officer Prokipczak in his note, were entirely unknown to me for more than ayear, I knew nothing of his note, nothing of his bias or intent, nothing of the appalling presumptions, incorrect presumptions and assumptions for more than a year. I only knew the consequences as i lived tchem, without knowing why. I will explain this fully in my next Post.

                                                                          Point 28*

Simply, the pathologist, Dr. Henryk Boloz, who carried out the post-mortem on Piotrs' battered and bruised little body, had found injuries, serious injuries, life taking injuries on Piotrs' body. He stated that these injuries had been inflicted prior to Piotrs' death, had been inflicted on him when he was healthy, when his mother was 8 and a hald months pregnant. he had been murdered, and the cause of the injuries that led to his death must be investigated.
Such barbarity is shocking, but remember, I as Piotrs' father, was never told this fact, not by Police, not by Prosecutors, not by Oliwia Oleksyk, I knew nothing

I soon would, to my horror.

                                                                            Point 29*

Officer Prokiczak now states that "the cause of the injuries (inflicted on my son Piotr),
................could have been caused by..........
.........THE BEATING..........................................

Officer Prokipczak, with no evidence of any kind, with no witness statements, with no forensic evidence, with no Doctors' evidence ,

(and here I remind the reader of the examination of Oliwia Oleskyk by Dr. Magdalena Kolacz on the 11th March 2009, which found no evidence of any health issues whatsoever with Piotr, or Oliwia Oleksyk, both were completely healthy and injury free),

decided that Piotr had been murdered, that Oliwia Oleksyk had been beaten, and that I, Piotrs' father was guilty of 2 of the most heinous crimes imaginable- beating a pregnant woman so severely that I had murdered my own child.

To refer you back reader, earlier in the same note, Officer Prokipczak wrote that, and I quote,
"Oliwia Oleksyk had reportedly stated that she had been beaten".....

Now, Officer Prokipczak states :the beating" as fact, the consequences for the investigation into why my beautiful son Piotr was dead, the consequences that denied him Justice, the consequences that mean he can never rest in Peace, the consequences for m, his Father, were yet to unfold, but they would, very soon.

The desecration of my sons Piotrs' life and death had begun, the destruction of my life and reputation had begun, because of Officer Prokipczak, his cohorts in Gorlice Police, step forward Officer Tomasz Bednarz who would later lie in his official report that he had spoken to all of the Doctors who had been involved in supervising Oliwia Oleksyks' pregnancy - a lie, a straight lie, a criminal lie, A lie either not noticed, or ignored by Prosecutors in Gorlice and Nowy Sacz.

The witch-hunt had begun. The perjury had started some weeks before, but again I knew nothing of it reader.

The Horror would Begin the next day, the day of Piotrs' funeral, with Officer Tomasz Bednarz arriving into my life like some jack-booted thug.


                                                                         Point 30*

This point would be normal in ay other situation, but this situation, I was soon to discover, was not normal. My son Piotr was dead. My son Piotr died of brutal injuries. My son Piotr was part of a murder investigation. and I, his Father, knew nothing, was told nothing.

Dr Boloz, according to Officer Prokipczak, "made the decision to give the body to the FAMILY"

"Give the body'? The ignorance of such a statement defies humanity.

But, there is a significant point here, he goes on to say:






Monday, 21 September 2015

Arranging Piotrs' funeral, the 31st march 2009, (PART 3), what I did not know, what Officer Piotr Prokipczak was doing to destroy my life, and destroy the dignity of my son Piotr

I must explain that, where I provide quotations, as indicated by the use of " ", I am quoting from the sworn statements of Dr Welz himself, which I obtained some 18 months after the event. These quotations are  extemely important, as there are differences between what Officer Prokipczak wrote in his note, claiming to be the information provided to him by Dr. Welz on the 31st March 2009, and what Doctor Welz himself swore to be the truth in his own statement. I provide both Dr Welz's original statement, and a certified translation to English, for verification, at the end of this posting.
 Someone was lying.........................

                                                                            Point 14*

Dr. Welz did indeed instruct Oliwia Oliwia Oleskyk to go to Hospital "immediately" from his consulting room on the 26th March 2009, due to "suspected advancing Hydrocephalus" being present in Piotrs' brain. A life threatening, brain damaging illness. An illness that progresses with every minute, an illness that should be treated immediately, without delay.
Oliwia Oleksyk did not go to Hospital, she ignored the Doctor, and went home, and remained there until the following day, the 27th March 2009. Piotr died on the 28th March 2009.

                                                                            Point 15*

Of course Dr. Welz found no injuries on Oliwia Oleksyks' abdominal area, or anywhere else on Oliwia Olekesyk, there were none in existence, none to find, none ever inflicted. This is relevent to what happened over the following days, weeks, months and the past 6 years.

                                                                           Point 16*

"Oliwia Oleskyk reportedly stated that she had been hit/beaten about 3 weeks before admitting her to Hospital".

Now clearly, this means that Oliwia Oleksyk had "reportedly stated" to DrWelz that 'she had been hit/beaten" 3 weeks earlier.
However, Dr Borys Welz, in his own sworn statement, made on XXXX, does not say this at all.

Here I quote from that statement:

" OO said that she was sometimes a victim of physical violence, but she did not say where, when, or by whom".

It is also important to note that Oliwia Oleksyk had a consultation with Dr. Magdelena Kolacz on the 11th March 2009, during which she underwent a full physical examination, and both she and Piotr were found to be perfectly healthy, with no injuries of any kind having been suffered by either, or noticed by Dr Kolacz.

Oliwia Oleksyk made no mention, or claim to Dr. Kolacz of any violence whatsoever.
This, despite the fact that Oliwia Oleksyk had, less than 24 hours earlier, claimed to having been slapped on the face, when visiting with Dr Wojciehowski. (Yes, this woman just loved to visit Doctors, in fact, 6 different Doctors in a 3 month period - which no State authority ever queried or questioned !!!).

                                                                             Point 17*

Now Officer Prokipczak, writes that Oliwia Oleksyk, having told Dr. Welz that she had been "hit/beaten about 3 weeks" before being admitted to Hospital, did not, when making this false claim to Dr. Welz, identify, who committed, or where, this supposed hitting/beating occurred. Further, she did not say where on her head/face/body/legs, she had claimed to have been hit/beaten.

Interestingly, Dr. Welz felt no need, as a physician, as a Doctor, to ask any questions of his patient, his pregnant patient, regarding this alleged beating, when it was "reportedly stated' to him. Strange.
Dr Welz who, in his own words, had been in his clinic on the 26th march, 2 days earlier, when he "suspected" Piotr had advancing Hydrocephalus, which was endangering his life, a danger of such an extent and seriousness that Dr Welz had , in his won words, "ordered" Oliwia Oleksyk to "immediately' go to Hospital.

An order oliwia Oleksyk ignored, with fatal consequences for Piotr.

It is interesting to note that, when Dr. Welz made this preliminary, suspected, diagnosis on the 26th March 2009, and informed his patient, Oliwia Oleksyk of his suspicions, she made no mention of any alleged 'hitting/beating" 3 weeks before, oh no, she waited until much later for that story to be invented.

Now, is it not strange that a Mother, having been told by her Doctor, (granted, one of her many doctors!), of such a serious threat to the life of her child, and ordered to Hospital immediately to save her childs life, firstly says nothing of any alleged 'hitting/beating" to her Doctor in that moment, if such a "hiting/beating" had actually occurred,?

Is it not equally strange that a Mother, in that moment, with her childs life at risk, simply ignored her Doctors orders, and goes home, and stays at home for the night, instead of going to Hospital?

I would also point out that, Oliwia Oleksyk had previously lost a child during a pregnancy, but never told me about it, nor told me the cause of death of that innocent child, she never told Dr. Welz about it, never told Dr. Kolacz about it, never told Dr. Wojciehowski about it, never told Dr. Dembele about it,  never told any Doctor about it. Hmmm , starnge that.........

Is it possible that that Mother did not care whether her child lived or died? is it possible that that Mother, between leaving Dr. Welz's surgery on the 26th March and going to Hospital on the 27th March, concocted a story? well, it may be good to consider the following "interesting' facts too:
It is equally interesting to note that, as highlighted in point 16* above, Dr Magdelena Kolacz had examined Oliwia Oleksyk on the 11th march, She was fine, Piotr was fine, no one had been "beaten", no one had any injuries, no one had any bruising, no one mentioned any "hitting/beating', no one mentioned any bruising, no one noted any bruising, nothing.

Oliwia Oleksyk would claim to have been hit/beaten on the 8th/9th March 2009, 2 days before her appointment with Dr. Kolacz, yet said nothing to Dr. Kolacz about any alleged 'hitting/beating", nor did Dr. Kolacz see anything other than a perfectly healthy woman and baby during her examination of Oliwia Oleksyk. hmmmmmmmm, strange that, or, in fact, it is not strange. Oliwia Oleksyk was never hit/beaten. she needed a story for the Police,and Officer Prokipczak was happy to believe such tales.

As a side note, but a relevent one, I had spent months asking Oliwia Oleksyk to stop smoking 40 cigarettes a day, I had asked her to stop drinking 3/4/5 beers and vodka on a daily basis during her pregnancy. I had even spoken with Dr Dembele (who was Oliwia Oleksyks' Ob./Gyn for the first 6 months of her pregnacy) about her drinking, and asked him to speak to her about the danger of what she had been doing, which Dr. Dembele did, with me present.
Oh, and by the way, the genius that is Officer Prokipczak, who is now an Inspector of Police (!!), never even knew of the existence of Dr. Dembele, never mind interviewed him, despite false claims in Police doumentation that all doctors had been interviwed.
Officer Prokipczak, also, in December of 2009, attacked me in a Pub, when he was, as usual, completely drunk. Called me a murderer, threatened to slit my throat, and more, during a 40 minute attack.

         Points 18*, 19* and 208 of the note appear to be accurate, well done officer Prokipczak!

                                                                        Point 21*

Officer Prokipczak now refers here to , importantly, THE BEATING, it has now become FACT in the mind of Officer Prokipczak. At point 16* above, it was said that oliwia Oleksyk had 'reportedly stated' that she had been "hit/beaten' , now it has becaome a FACT that she was beaten. Based on nothing other than Officer Prokipczak deciding it was a fact, no evidence, no proof, no medical reasoning, no witnesses, nothing, It was a fact in Officer Piotr Prokipczaks mind, and that was that...

                                                         Points 22* to 27* are merely factual,

but it is interesting to note that Officer Prokipczak was now on a mission to BACK UP HIS PREDETERMINED STATEMENT that "THE BEATING" had occurred. Forgive my naivity, but I thought first there would be an allegation, then an investigation, then evidence uncovered, then interrogation of a suspect, before anyone could speak of "THE BEATING' .
Nine of that was necessary for suprcop Prokipczak, he, based on nothing, decided what had happened, and in doing so, destroyrd any possibility of Justice, and therefore dignity for Piotr, and any possibility of Justice for me, Piotrs' father. Even that right was stripped from me by officer Prokpiczaks' actions that day, and the content of his note.

I was never treated as a victim of my own sons Piotrs' death by the Polish State, I was never treated as a father by the polish State. All of my rights, as a father and as victim of Piotrs' death were denied to me. Instead a witch-hunt against me was launched. A witch-hunt that failed, as it must, as Oliwia Oleksyk had lied and perjured herself. The Polish Criminal Procedure code, in conjunction with the constitution of the Republic of Poland guaranteed me many rights, many protections, all of which were denied to me, which resulted in my agony, my fight for Justice for Piotr and for myself, and has resulted in Piotrs' life and eath being stripped of any and all decency, respect, honour, meaning and culminating in the desecration of his resting place, his grave, and the Polish state again destroying his memory in ignoring that crime, because I reported it, they, the Polish Police, Polish Prosecutors,  did not care, they do not care, nor will they ever care.

In my next posting I will complete the revelation of Officer Prokiczaks note, its effects on me, and more importantly, how that note to this day had destroyed Piotrs' dignity, his memory, his Innocent life lost, and trated like so much detritus, first by the Nurses, then by Prokipczak, and soon by the Prosecution service. my son Piotrs' life and death an irrelevence, and me along with him, except as a father to be persecuted.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Arranging Piotrs funeral, the 31st March 2009, (PART 2), what I did not know was happening that day, but would later discover the illegality of the Police and prosecutors had begun (1)

I have published immediately below the certified translation to English of the official note made by Police officer Piotr Prokipczak on the 31st March 2009. I was buying my son Piotr clothes, the only clothes I would ever buy for him, for his funeral, completely unaware of the fact that my beautiful son was undergoing a post-mortem, completely unaware that the post-mortem was even at that moment being illegally invaded, and violated by Officer Prokipczak.
The original Polish document I will publish at the end of the English language posting and examination of this so called 'Official note".
In this posting, the first of 3 postings on this specific note, I deal only with Officer Prokipczaks' unlawful actions on that day. It was the first of many illegal, unlawful, violating, criminal acts that would desecrate my son Piotr, would desecrate my rights as a Father, and would lead to me being falsely branded a murderer.
The desecration of Piotrs grave, was the last violation committed directly against my son, but  the details herein are important to understand the Polish State, the Polish Police, Polish Prosecutors, and why the death of my son Piotr, and the later desecration of his grave were treated as irrelevent by that State.
I have itemised each statement made by Officer Prokipczak (who would soon be promoted to Inspector rank, despite launching a violent, drunken, premeditated attack on me some months later*. This attack occurred in a Pub, in front of witnesses, but again the Police refused to act against him). Each statement is numbered individually, and I point out the innacuracies, or lies, or bias, or ignorance, as each occurs. I do this with proof, I do this with clarity, I do this to show how it was later possible that  the violation and desecration Piotrs' of grave could be ignored by the Polish State.
Please click on the image below, if necessary, which will then enlarge. Underneath, by number, I show Officer Prokipczaks appalling behaviour, untruths, and bias were realised.
Again, I ask you reader to remember that all of this occurred as I was shopping for clothes in which to bury my beautiful son Piotr. I knew nothing of this. I would only know abut these events some 2 or 3 years later, having been to the Polish Courts over and over, and indeed fighting with polish Police and Prosecutors. during this time i was assaulted and threatened by Police and Prosecutors, which I will refer to elsewhere in this blog. 
I also point out that the address listed for Oliwia Oleskyk at point 6* is not her address, and for the same reason I have redacted her I.D number. This is the story of the abuse of my son Piotr, his life, his health, justice for him denied, and finally the desecration of his grave. I name those I beleive responsible. I quote from official Police documents and sworn statements, and identify those whose words I quote. 
Page 1 of the note, points 1 to 13
Points 1* and 2*
following the intervention of Dr Henryk Boloz (pathologist) , and the suspension of Piotrs' post-mortem on the 31st March 2009. The post-mortem ceased to be an "administration" post-mortem, and became a "Prosecutorial" post-mortem. Police are not permitted under Polish Law to attend such procedures, with only a Prosecutor, or in extemis, a Judge present. A specialist Police oficer may, if required, accompany a Prosecutor or judge, in order to take photographic evidence.
Points 2* and 3*,
Officer Prokipczak describes what was occurring in the "dissection room" of the Hospital, and states that : "There I met...Henryk Boloz" . When I raised this with Polish Police, they told me that he was not present in the Post-mortem at all. Well reader, you judge from his own words whether or not Officer Prokipczak walked into the dissecting room and there met Henryk Boloz. Not difficult.
Point 4*,
Dr Boloz informed Officer Prokipczak that ; "He found...on the dead body, injuries that MUST have happened during the pregnancy..."
 Medical Doctors, Pathologists, are very careful in their use of words, their choice of words.  A crime had been committed, my son Piotr was the victim. I as his father was the victim, but not according to the Polish State. based on Dr Boloz's statement, as recorded by Officer Prokipczak, either a murder had been committed, or manslaughter had occurred. With my beautiful son Piotr the victim.There is no other conclusion to be drawn from Dr Boloz's statement to officer Prokipczak. As indeed was the view of the Prosecutors Office in Gorlice, who immediately instigated a criminal investigation......
A so called investigation. A sham, an attempt to frame me for murder. A joke. An illegal investigation that disappeared . An investigation that proved perjury was quietly ended. All of this happened without me ever being involved as Piotrs father, or in any other way.
Yet still no Prosecutor attended the Post-mortem. Violations of the law and procedure just continuing.
Point 5*
Officer Prokipczak, is very careful in his use of language here, it is obscure, vague, and potentially misleading. So I will clarify what actually occurred. Dr Boloz, when carrying out the post-mortem, did indeed find the appalling injuries on my son Piotrs' body and head. He immediately suspended the "administration" post-mortem, as he is required to do by law. He then informed the prosecution service in Gorlice, The head of which is Prokurator Rejonowa Gorlice Tadeusz cebo, who, by law should have dispatched a Prosecutor to attend the post-mortem, the noe, Prosecutorial post-mortem, - but he didnt bother to do that, instead he told the Police to attend. In violation of law. Hence, Officer Prokipczak arrived, unlawfully. 
Point 10*
This is misleading and incomplete, appallingly so. On the 26th march 2009, 2 days before Piotrs' death, his Mother Oliwia Oleksyk attended the surgery of Dr. Borys Welz for what she attempted to pass off as a routine ante-natal visit. It was far from that. during that visit a USG scan was performer. The result of that scan was that Dr. welz "suspected" Hydrocephalus, he did not make a diagnosis. I know this from the sworn statement of Dr Welz himself, which i finally obtained 2 years after Piotrs' death. After this USG, Dr. Welz instructed Oliwia Oleksyk to immediately go to hospital, due to the serious risk to Piotrs' health, and indeed his life. A risk that led to his death less than 48 hours later. This is also part of Dr. Welz's sworn statement.
Oliwia Oleksyk ignored this medical instruction, and went home, and remained there until the next day, despite the danger to Piotrs' life and health.
Point 11*
Officer Prokipczak is now referring to the 27th March 2009. Friday the 27th march 2009. This decision was made, but nothing was done. According to Dr. Welz's sworn evidence, he made a phone call to the specialist clinic in Krakow, and, then goes on to say that, incredibly,
He made no electronic or written request for a bed for oliwia Oleksyk, despite knowing that Piotrs' life was in extreme danger. He claimed that he made a phone call, one phone call to the specialist clinic in Krakow, he claimed that he had no idea who he spoke to in the clinic. He claimed that he could not remember the name of the person he spoke to, or the exact time of this phone call. Dr. welz made no record, of any kind, of this alleged phone call. there is no evidence or proof that any phone call was made by Dr. Welz on Friday the 27th march 2009, nor was it investigated in any way by the Polish State.  
Piotrs life was ignored. My son was less than 24 hours from death, yet this so called Doctor, did nothing, and then made no notes. Such desecration and brutality towards the life of my son was established.
Point 12*
Officer Prokipczak is now speaking about approximately 7pm on Satirday the 28th March 2009, more than 24 hours after the alleged phone call by Dr Welz. From his note you would think all of these things (at points 1-12* above), all ahppened in the space of a few hours, not over the course of 3 days. Piotr was dead, who cared, certainly not Dr. Welz, certainly not Officer Prokipczak, as I will sshow in my next pos, which covers the remainder of Officer Prokipczaka' "official note".
Official note? Misleading, incoherent, unlawful note, based on what? However, the next part of the note is, if possible even more disturbing, and would have catstrophic effects on my search for justce for Piotr, and for myself.
Thsi was the monet when the Polish State decided my son Piotr did not matter, as it would do many Times, up to and including the desecration of his grave.
 * The attack on me by Officer Prokipczak will be detailed later in this blog, because it is relevent to Piotr.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Arranging Piotrs Funeral, the 31st March 2009, what I did not know was happening that day, with Police, Prosecutors, Pathologist, and most important, my son Piotr.

I will post this section in the coming 12 hours, I am scanning Police, Prosecutorial and medical documents for readers to see, in order to fully comprehend what happened.
I will be uploading the original documents, along with certified translations to English.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Arranging Piotrs' funeral, the 31st March 2009 (PART 1) WHAT I DID NOT KNOW AT THE TIME

As I detailed in my last posting, on the 31st March 2009, I did what I could to arrange for my son Piotr's funeral.

What I did not know on that day, was that appalling, unlawful, negligent events were running parallel to my arranging his funeral. Events involving crimes by Oliwia Oleksyk, illegality by both Prosecutors and Senior Police officers, Piotr undergoing a post-mortem, that post-mortem being violated by Police, and a witchhunt beginning.

I would get my first inkling of such horrors the following day , the 1st April 2009, the day of piotrs' funeral, the day I would lay my beautiful son to rest.

The events I detail here, regarding the 31st March 2009, I would only find out , in some cases months, and in some cases, years, later.

Its difficult to know where to begin, but I suppose chronologically is best.

On the morning of the 31st March 2009, it was decided by Gorlice Hospital, to carry out a post-mortem on Piotrs' body. He had died on the night of the 28th March 2009, a Saturday. So I have no idea why, if such a post-mortem was decided upon, that the Hospital authorities decided to wait until Tuesday to carry it out. A question I have never had answered.

During the post-mortem, which was conducted by 2 Doctors from Gotlice Hospital itself, they, according to official State documents (obtained by me some 2 years later), having started the post-mortem, found evidence of serious injury to Piotrs' body, injuries that could have caused his death.

In such a situation in Poland, the Doctor carrying out the post-mortem is obliged to stop what he is doing, immediately inform the local Prosecutors office of their initial findings and concerns that a crime (murder or manslaughter) may have been committed, and may be the cause of death. The post-mortem must also be immediately suspended.

At that point the legal status of the Post-mortem is changed. It becaomes what is legally titled a "Prosecutorial Post-mortem". This Post-mortem must be carried out by a *State Pathologist, this Post-mortem must be attended by a Prosecutor. In the event that a Prosecutor cannot be present for any reason, then a Judge may attend the Post-mortem in their stead.

No Judge, No Prosecutor - no Post-Mortem.

In the event that their is an "emergency" , though one is hard to imagine when dealing with a Port-mortem, this procedurÄ™ can be altered.

I should point out that this is an Prosecutorial Post-mortem, (legally speaking), and it is imperative that a Prosecutor attend.

In Gorlice, they have a lovely big Prosecutors office. there are many intelligent, important, well-trained, intellectually gifted Prosecutors working there, led by the esteemed Prosecutor Tadeusz Cebo. As I undersatnd it, at the time there more than 10 Prosecutors working in Gorlice that day, it is that Office who had immediate responsibility in all proceedings for what may have been a murder, the murder of my beautiful son Piotr.

It was the responsibility, legally, of Chief Prosecutor Cebo (Prokurator Rejonowa Gorlice Cebo), once informed by the Hospital of their initial findings and suspicions, to dispatch a Prosecutor to the hospital, to attend the Prosecutorial Post-mortem, to collect any evidence that may become apparent. The clue readers, is in the name of the procedure being undertaken, which is, I repeat:

Prosecutorial Post-mortem.

This was the first moment that the Polish State, in the guise of Prosecutor Cebo, who has overall responsibility for his Office, decided that my son Piotr did not matter. He decided that Piotrs' death did not matter. He , despite the law, despite his duty, despite his responsibility, despite the fact that an innocent baby was dead,  decided to ignore that Law, duty, responsibility and my dead son Piotr. Instead, under his authority, a Police Officer was dispatched to the Prosecutorial Post-mortem.

The Prosecutorial Post-mortem was now utterly compromised, as it had not been carried out in accordance with statute, the local Prosecutors office in conjunction with the local Police force, had deliberately, wilfully, and casually, ignored the Law, and procedure, completely.

This was the first moment that the Polish State abandoned my son Piotr, and me.

Unfortunately, much worse was to follow, including on that day itself, during, and immediately after the Prosecutorial post-mortem was concluded.

I remind you reader, that I only became aware of the full facts in the months and years after the day. Prior to that the Polish State igmored me, Piotrs' father, violated my rights, went on a witch-hunt against me, all because of perjury committed. Perjury that the State was only too happy to believe, and when proven as untrue, the State then quietly and efficiently tried to cover up its own failings.

In my next posting, I will detail what happened during the rest of the 31st march 2009, as the true horror of Polish "Justice", and its total lack of respect for my son Piotr became ever more clear.

* In Ireland we have a "State Pathologist" who carries out a Post-mortem in the event of a suspicious death, in the USA, I believe the local Coroners Office carries out the post-mortem in such circumstances, in Poland , it is a State approved Pathologist.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Arranging Piotrs' funeral, the 31st March 2009 , what I knew at the time

On the 30st March 2009, I went to buy Piotrs' little hat and clothes for his burial.

At the end of this post I have put a photograph of my beautiful son Piotr , as he lay in his open coffin prior to his burial. This photograph is, at once, horrific, horrendous, but yet it is also a picture of a sweet innocent child, seemingly at peace, seemingly sleeping.

I brought his clothes to the Mortuary in the late afternoon of the 31st March, where the Staff dressed him fully. Again I held Piotr in my arms, his little body now dressed, his injuries barely visible.

I had bought Piotr a little hat because his head was terribly injured and bruised, as I had seen on the night of his death. I wanted to cover these injuries, I wanted him to look beautiful. This may sound in some way unusual, but readers this was my son, my beautiful son, and I wanted him to have dignity.

He was dressed all in white, a picture of innocence and, seemingly, peace.

I left that Mortuary bereft, empty, shocked.

What I did not know then, what I would not know fully for perhaps a year, was, as I was going through this agony on the 31st March 2009, a parallel day was playing out, involving the Polish Police, State Prosecutors, Criminality and horrifically, my son Piotr having a post-mortem, and no one informing me, not his Mother, not the State, not the Hospital, and so much more.

I detail in my next post what also occurred in this paralel world on the 31st March 2009, which at the time I was completely ignorant of, had no idea of, and of which his Mother told me nothing. She had good reason to lie to me then, and lie for the next 6 years, to try to cover up the truth, as later I would find out, and her actions No one could ever consider anything other than criminal, inhumane and indeed barbaric.

                                                         This my beautiful son Piotr.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Arranging Piotr's funeral, the 30th March 2009

And so on Monday the 30th March 2009, my friend Grzegorz brought me to a funeral home (undertakers) in Gorlice.

Its appearance was that of a small shop, Grzegorz explained why we were there, I was then pointed to what, for all intents and purposes was a garage attached to the shop. There, stacked from floor to ceiling were coffins, caskets, wrapped in plastic.

I was shocked at the situation, I have been in funeral homes before, as have most people, usually they are quiet, carpeted, warm, but I found myself in a garage, a bleak cold place. It was too much for me as I looked at these tiny coffins. Coffins that to me seemed to be no bigger than  than a pillow that each night we rest out head upon.

The situation was unbearable, surreal, a nightmare. I had to leave. I could not comprehend the fact that my son was dead, and that I had to choose one of these little wooden boxes, in a cold and bleak Garage in Poland, to be the resting place, the final destination for my son Piotr.

No blanket would ever keep Piotr warm, no cradle would be gently rocked as he smiled, no cuddles would let him drift into sleep. I would never hear the sound of my son Piotr's laughter, I would never hear his first words, nor see his first steps. No, I was staring into the abyss of a tiny white coffin, where Piotr would, I hoped, rest forever in Peace and dignity.

I was wrong, as this blog will explain.

Later that same day, Grzegorz brought me to another funeral home. The people there were, as far as I could understand, decent, humane, and understanding. I was treated with dignity and kindness, and I selected a coffin. The arrangements were made for Piotrs' funeral. I offered to pay for everything at that moment. I wasn't sure if I could ever come back to that funeral home, and I certainly could not do alone, as I speak no Polish. However, they funeral home said it was better I pay after the funeral was over.

All that was left for me to do now, was to buy my son Piotr a hat, and some clothes. The only clothes I would ever buy for my beautiful son. I will explain why I had to but Piotr a hat, but that explanation will be contained in my posting about the 31st march 2009.

There is no description, no words to describe how that feels as a Father. Ticking off a list of things to do, before burying my infant son. 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Piotrs' death, and the preparation for his funeral, alone, but for 1 friend

My beautiful son Piotr died on the 28th March 2009.

Immediately follwoing his death, I spoke with his Mother, Oliwia Oleksyk, about arranging his funeral. Her reaction, though vile, was nothing to be surprised about, given her behaviour throughout her pregnancy, her failure to tell me , and more importantly, her Ob./Gyn about all relevent facts in her medical history, facts that would ,seemingly, have a connection, a link, to preventing Piotrs' death. (Her attitude to Piotrs' life was graphically shown just 2 days before, when Oliwia Oleksyk ignored her doctors instruction to go immediately to Hospital, as Piotrs Health, indeed his life was in severe danger. Oliwia Oleksyk went home instead, and stayed there for the night).

I spoke with her on Sunday the 29th March at the Hospital,  the day after Piotr died. I told her again that I was a stranger to Poland, I do not speak the Polish language, I know nothing of its burial customs or practices, despite being a so-called Catholic Country, its a form of Catholicism that I, born an Irish Catholic, am entirely unfamiliar with.

She said to me, and I quote, "If a fucking funeral is so important to you, then you arrange it"

These were not the words of a grieving Mother, not the words of a Mother in mourning, these words were typical of her attitude to Piotr throughout her pregnancy, distant, dismissive, uncaring.

I was fortunate , incredibly fortunate, to have gotten to know a gentleman in Gorlice named Grzegorz, (I do not provide his surname name here as I do not wish to intrude on his privacy), and asked him to help me arrange Piotrs' funeral.

He agreed to do so, and on Monday the 30th March 2009, I started my attempts to provide my son Piotr with a place to rest, a place of peace.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Piotrs death, the 28th March 2009

My beautiful son Piotr died on the 28th March 2009, in Gorlice Hospital.

I went to the Hospital at about 10pm that night, and I held my son in my arms.

His body was broken and bruised. The injuries he had suffered were many, and visible.

I will never forget the brutality, the inhumanity of what I encountered in that Hospital room. It was Dickensian, it was like walking into a horror show, the absence of dignity, the absence of respect for human life, for my son.

I walked in to that room, in the doorway was a small metal Hospital trolley, used for bringing small items to patients, perhaps jugs of water, maybe a bed-pan, items of that size. It was covered in dirty Hospital style Kitchen towel, the kind of paper I have seen used for cleaning Hospital floors, or perhaps to dry hands in a Hospital toilet. Harsh paper, recycled grey paper.

I immediately turned left into the ward, and saw 2 Nurses sitting at a desk, reading a magazine, and laughing. They looked up at me, briefly, and went back to their fun conversation.

I looked around, and saw Piotrs Mother, Oliwia Oleksyk, in one of the beds, She was the only patient in the ward. There were 2 nurses, 1 patient, so they had time to read their magazine, and laugh.

I went over to her, I had a million questions,  but was incapable of asking any of them. I was numb. I spoke very briefly with her, and then I asked her where the Piotr was, where my son was.

She pointed at the doorway, I didn't understand. And then she said: "He's over there, on that trolley".

I was confused, on that trolley was only dirty recycled paper. But she was insistent. I walked to the trolley, and started lifting some of that dirty soiled paper, and there, to my horror, was my beautiful son Piotr.

This Hospital, this Polish Hospital, these Nurses and Doctors, had thrown the body of my dead son Piotr on a hospital trolley, covered by dirty, soiled paper. They had thrown the still warm body of my child on a trolley like detritus. I was weak, numb, shocked, horrified.

I picked up my precious son, my child, from this filth. I held him in my arms, his body lifeless and bruised. His little head was swollen to twice that of a normal , healthy size. His eyes bulging and bruised. his abdomen swollen.

I held him for, I don't know how long, maybe 5 minutes, maybe an hour. I could not believe my son was dead, I could not believe the barbarity of that Hospital and those nurses, it is impossible for me to describe my feelings to you reader, I do not have the words, even today, to describe how I felt seeing my son, my beautiful son, dead in my arms. I cannot describe my anger at the callousness and degradation, the inhumanity, the lack of respect, for his life and his death.

It was the first time I would encounter such lack of respect for Human life in Poland, but , as I would discover in the months and years to come, In Poland, a death is nothing, a dead person is nothing. The Polish State cares not for the death of an Innocent baby, nor his Father. I knew it not then, but I have had to fight for more than 6 years for Justice for my son Piotr, and for myself.

I promised Piotr I would get Justice for him, I would find out how he died, why he died. Little did I know as I made that promise, that the horror was at a beginning, not an end.

And so, at about midnight on Saturday the 28th March 2009, I left that Hospital, and did what all those born as Catholics do, I thought of the Church, the Priest, the funeral, the burial. I thought of friends and family in Ireland, and phoning them to tell them my son was dead. Telling them what I had encountered at the Hospital, knowing I could answer none of their questions, as I had no answers myself.

And so, as I sat through that night, I prepared to do what no parent should ever have to do, that is to bury my own child, my son, my Piotr.

To learn about my son Piotrs' death, the findings of the post-mortem by the Polish State pathologist, and a great deal more surrounding Piotrs' death, please click on the link below, which is to a sister blog that I write.

To learn about mu fight for Justice for Piotr, and for myself, please click on the below link to another blog that I write.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Piotr's funeral and his grave on the day of his burial. POST 2

When Piotr was laid to rest on the 1st April 2009, this was his grave.
As I lowered him into the ground, myself, in his tiny white casket, I vowed to give him a place of true rest, of peace, a place where he would have some dignity, a dignity denied to him by his brutal death.
A dignity that would be denied to him by The Polish State
A dignity that would be denied to him by Prokurator Rejonowa Gorlice
(The Prosecutors office in Gorlice)
A dignity that would be denied to him by the Police in Gorlice
A dignity denied to him by Prokurator Rejonowa Nowy Sacz
(The Prosecutors office in Nowy Sacz)
A dignity that has been denied to Piotr to this day 
That dignity that can only come with the truth
That dignity that can only come with Justice
A dignity that my beautiful son Piotr, and I, his Father, still wait for.
A dignity that I have fought more than 6 years to achieve

                                                               Piotr's grave at night.

Piotr's grave in the days following his being laid to rest. 
I tried to make his place of rest as "nice" as I could in the days following Piotr's burial, sure that I could give him the best memorial possible in the weeks that followed.
I was wrong, Oliwia Oleksyk made sure of that. 

 Polish winter sets on Piotr's grave.
A winter on his grave, on his memory, on his dignity, on me as a Father, a winter that continues more than 6 years after his death 
These photographs I took in the days following Piotrs funeral, at that time, I was devastated at seeing, and knowing, the brutal injuries that caused my innocent sons' death, I had so many questions,
I was completely unaware of the hell that would soon be visited upon me, and the memory of my beautiful son Piotr.
A hell that has continued to this day.
Part 3 of this blog will be posted, with photographs in the coming days,  
For more background on the tragedy of Piotrs' death, the brutal violation of Piotr's memory, the incompetence, ignorance and abuses of the Polish Prosecution Service, the Polish Police, my fight for Justice and the appalling injustices suffered, please visit the following links:

Sunday, 6 September 2015

The desecration of Piotrs grave, the beginning, the photographs

This is the story of the desecration of my son Piotr McHales' grave.
Another brutal attack on his dignity, his memory, and me as his Father.
This desecration occurred in Gorlice Cemetary in Poland.
This desecration was reported to the Polish Prosecutorial authorities, who did precisely nothing about this heinous act.
When Piotr was buried, his little grave bore a small plastic "headstone" that siad simply:
"Piotrus McHale"
In the following days, I did my best to create a grave that gave him the love, the peace, the dignity, the safety in rest, that had been denied to him, leading to his brutal death.
I vowed to create for him a place to rest, a place of peace, a place that would be "beautiful', if ever a grave can be such a place.
Later, after more than a year, it was finally possible for me to keep my word. (I ask you reader to continue reading this blog, links are provided to sister blogs which detail the whole appalling situation of my son Piotrs' death
The Polish Police and Prosecutors appalling behaviour following his death, behaviour that defies belief, behaviour that has continued unchecked for the past 6 years, but is simply the reality, the truth., and the complete lack of Justice in Poland, both for my beautiful son Piotr, and me, his Father.
The photographs below show my attempt as a Father to show my son the love I was prevented from giving him in life.
This was Piotrs' resting place
, but even this small attempt to show love for my dead son was damaged, brutalised, and inhumanly tainted by the actions of his Mother, as I will detail in this blog.
Below are 2 photographs of Piotrs' grave, after it had been desecrated, after the headstone was removed, and any shred of dignity that my beautiful son ever had, was stripped from him.
His life cut short in a brutal manner, his death disregarded by the Polish State, brutality visited upon me his Father, and now his grave, his resting place, a place that should be sacred, was again violated and destroyed, and again the Polish State did nothing.
Justice in Poland?