I must explain that, where I provide quotations, as indicated by the use of " ", I am quoting from the sworn statements of Dr Welz himself, which I obtained some 18 months after the event. These quotations are extemely important, as there are differences between what Officer Prokipczak wrote in his note, claiming to be the information provided to him by Dr. Welz on the 31st March 2009, and what Doctor Welz himself swore to be the truth in his own statement. I provide both Dr Welz's original statement, and a certified translation to English, for verification, at the end of this posting.
Someone was lying.........................
Point 14*
Dr. Welz did indeed instruct Oliwia Oliwia Oleskyk to go to Hospital "immediately" from his consulting room on the 26th March 2009, due to "suspected advancing Hydrocephalus" being present in Piotrs' brain. A life threatening, brain damaging illness. An illness that progresses with every minute, an illness that should be treated immediately, without delay.
Oliwia Oleksyk did not go to Hospital, she ignored the Doctor, and went home, and remained there until the following day, the 27th March 2009. Piotr died on the 28th March 2009.
Point 15*
Of course Dr. Welz found no injuries on Oliwia Oleksyks' abdominal area, or anywhere else on Oliwia Olekesyk, there were none in existence, none to find, none ever inflicted. This is relevent to what happened over the following days, weeks, months and the past 6 years.
Point 16*
"Oliwia Oleskyk reportedly stated that she had been hit/beaten about 3 weeks before admitting her to Hospital".
Now clearly, this means that Oliwia Oleksyk had "reportedly stated" to Dr. Welz that 'she had been hit/beaten" 3 weeks earlier.
However, Dr Borys Welz, in his own sworn statement, made on XXXX, does not say this at all.
Here I quote from that statement:
" OO said that she was sometimes a victim of physical violence, but she did not say where, when, or by whom".
It is also important to note that Oliwia Oleksyk had a consultation with Dr. Magdelena Kolacz on the 11th March 2009, during which she underwent a full physical examination, and both she and Piotr were found to be perfectly healthy, with no injuries of any kind having been suffered by either, or noticed by Dr Kolacz.
Oliwia Oleksyk made no mention, or claim to Dr. Kolacz of any violence whatsoever.
This, despite the fact that Oliwia Oleksyk had, less than 24 hours earlier, claimed to having been slapped on the face, when visiting with Dr Wojciehowski. (Yes, this woman just loved to visit Doctors, in fact, 6 different Doctors in a 3 month period - which no State authority ever queried or questioned !!!).
Point 17*
Now Officer Prokipczak, writes that Oliwia Oleksyk, having told Dr. Welz that she had been "hit/beaten about 3 weeks" before being admitted to Hospital, did not, when making this false claim to Dr. Welz, identify, who committed, or where, this supposed hitting/beating occurred. Further, she did not say where on her head/face/body/legs, she had claimed to have been hit/beaten.
Interestingly, Dr. Welz felt no need, as a physician, as a Doctor, to ask any questions of his patient, his pregnant patient, regarding this alleged beating, when it was "reportedly stated' to him. Strange.
Dr Welz who, in his own words, had been in his clinic on the 26th march, 2 days earlier, when he "suspected" Piotr had advancing Hydrocephalus, which was endangering his life, a danger of such an extent and seriousness that Dr Welz had , in his won words, "ordered" Oliwia Oleksyk to "immediately' go to Hospital.
An order oliwia Oleksyk ignored, with fatal consequences for Piotr.
It is interesting to note that, when Dr. Welz made this preliminary, suspected, diagnosis on the 26th March 2009, and informed his patient, Oliwia Oleksyk of his suspicions, she made no mention of any alleged 'hitting/beating" 3 weeks before, oh no, she waited until much later for that story to be invented.
Now, is it not strange that a Mother, having been told by her Doctor, (granted, one of her many doctors!), of such a serious threat to the life of her child, and ordered to Hospital immediately to save her childs life, firstly says nothing of any alleged 'hitting/beating" to her Doctor in that moment, if such a "hiting/beating" had actually occurred,?
Is it not equally strange that a Mother, in that moment, with her childs life at risk, simply ignored her Doctors orders, and goes home, and stays at home for the night, instead of going to Hospital?
I would also point out that, Oliwia Oleksyk had previously lost a child during a pregnancy, but never told me about it, nor told me the cause of death of that innocent child, she never told Dr. Welz about it, never told Dr. Kolacz about it, never told Dr. Wojciehowski about it, never told Dr. Dembele about it, never told any Doctor about it. Hmmm , starnge that.........
Is it possible that that Mother did not care whether her child lived or died? is it possible that that Mother, between leaving Dr. Welz's surgery on the 26th March and going to Hospital on the 27th March, concocted a story? well, it may be good to consider the following "interesting' facts too:
It is equally interesting to note that, as highlighted in point 16* above, Dr Magdelena Kolacz had examined Oliwia Oleksyk on the 11th march, She was fine, Piotr was fine, no one had been "beaten", no one had any injuries, no one had any bruising, no one mentioned any "hitting/beating', no one mentioned any bruising, no one noted any bruising, nothing.
Oliwia Oleksyk would claim to have been hit/beaten on the 8th/9th March 2009, 2 days before her appointment with Dr. Kolacz, yet said nothing to Dr. Kolacz about any alleged 'hitting/beating", nor did Dr. Kolacz see anything other than a perfectly healthy woman and baby during her examination of Oliwia Oleksyk. hmmmmmmmm, strange that, or, in fact, it is not strange. Oliwia Oleksyk was never hit/beaten. she needed a story for the Police,and Officer Prokipczak was happy to believe such tales.
As a side note, but a relevent one, I had spent months asking Oliwia Oleksyk to stop smoking 40 cigarettes a day, I had asked her to stop drinking 3/4/5 beers and vodka on a daily basis during her pregnancy. I had even spoken with Dr Dembele (who was Oliwia Oleksyks' Ob./Gyn for the first 6 months of her pregnacy) about her drinking, and asked him to speak to her about the danger of what she had been doing, which Dr. Dembele did, with me present.
Oh, and by the way, the genius that is Officer Prokipczak, who is now an Inspector of Police (!!), never even knew of the existence of Dr. Dembele, never mind interviewed him, despite false claims in Police doumentation that all doctors had been interviwed.
Officer Prokipczak, also, in December of 2009, attacked me in a Pub, when he was, as usual, completely drunk. Called me a murderer, threatened to slit my throat, and more, during a 40 minute attack.
Points 18*, 19* and 208 of the note appear to be accurate, well done officer Prokipczak!
Point 21*
Officer Prokipczak now refers here to , importantly, THE BEATING, it has now become FACT in the mind of Officer Prokipczak. At point 16* above, it was said that oliwia Oleksyk had 'reportedly stated' that she had been "hit/beaten' , now it has becaome a FACT that she was beaten. Based on nothing other than Officer Prokipczak deciding it was a fact, no evidence, no proof, no medical reasoning, no witnesses, nothing, It was a fact in Officer Piotr Prokipczaks mind, and that was that...
Points 22* to 27* are merely factual,
but it is interesting to note that Officer Prokipczak was now on a mission to BACK UP HIS PREDETERMINED STATEMENT that "THE BEATING" had occurred. Forgive my naivity, but I thought first there would be an allegation, then an investigation, then evidence uncovered, then interrogation of a suspect, before anyone could speak of "THE BEATING' .
Nine of that was necessary for suprcop Prokipczak, he, based on nothing, decided what had happened, and in doing so, destroyrd any possibility of Justice, and therefore dignity for Piotr, and any possibility of Justice for me, Piotrs' father. Even that right was stripped from me by officer Prokpiczaks' actions that day, and the content of his note.
I was never treated as a victim of my own sons Piotrs' death by the Polish State, I was never treated as a father by the polish State. All of my rights, as a father and as victim of Piotrs' death were denied to me. Instead a witch-hunt against me was launched. A witch-hunt that failed, as it must, as Oliwia Oleksyk had lied and perjured herself. The Polish Criminal Procedure code, in conjunction with the constitution of the Republic of Poland guaranteed me many rights, many protections, all of which were denied to me, which resulted in my agony, my fight for Justice for Piotr and for myself, and has resulted in Piotrs' life and eath being stripped of any and all decency, respect, honour, meaning and culminating in the desecration of his resting place, his grave, and the Polish state again destroying his memory in ignoring that crime, because I reported it, they, the Polish Police, Polish Prosecutors, did not care, they do not care, nor will they ever care.
In my next posting I will complete the revelation of Officer Prokiczaks note, its effects on me, and more importantly, how that note to this day had destroyed Piotrs' dignity, his memory, his Innocent life lost, and trated like so much detritus, first by the Nurses, then by Prokipczak, and soon by the Prosecution service. my son Piotrs' life and death an irrelevence, and me along with him, except as a father to be persecuted.
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