I have published immediately below the certified translation to English of the official note made by Police officer Piotr Prokipczak on the 31st March 2009. I was buying my son Piotr clothes, the only clothes I would ever buy for him, for his funeral, completely unaware of the fact that my beautiful son was undergoing a post-mortem, completely unaware that the post-mortem was even at that moment being illegally invaded, and violated by Officer Prokipczak.
The original Polish document I will publish at the end of the English language posting and examination of this so called 'Official note".
In this posting, the first of 3 postings on this specific note, I deal only with Officer Prokipczaks' unlawful actions on that day. It was the first of many illegal, unlawful, violating, criminal acts that would desecrate my son Piotr, would desecrate my rights as a Father, and would lead to me being falsely branded a murderer.
The desecration of Piotrs grave, was the last violation committed directly against my son, but the details herein are important to understand the Polish State, the Polish Police, Polish Prosecutors, and why the death of my son Piotr, and the later desecration of his grave were treated as irrelevent by that State.
I have itemised each statement made by Officer Prokipczak (who would soon be promoted to Inspector rank, despite launching a violent, drunken, premeditated attack on me some months later*. This attack occurred in a Pub, in front of witnesses, but again the Police refused to act against him). Each statement is numbered individually, and I point out the innacuracies, or lies, or bias, or ignorance, as each occurs. I do this with proof, I do this with clarity, I do this to show how it was later possible that the violation and desecration Piotrs' of grave could be ignored by the Polish State.
Please click on the image below, if necessary, which will then enlarge. Underneath, by number, I show Officer Prokipczaks appalling behaviour, untruths, and bias were realised.
Again, I ask you reader to remember that all of this occurred as I was shopping for clothes in which to bury my beautiful son Piotr. I knew nothing of this. I would only know abut these events some 2 or 3 years later, having been to the Polish Courts over and over, and indeed fighting with polish Police and Prosecutors. during this time i was assaulted and threatened by Police and Prosecutors, which I will refer to elsewhere in this blog.
I also point out that the address listed for Oliwia Oleskyk at point 6* is not her address, and for the same reason I have redacted her I.D number. This is the story of the abuse of my son Piotr, his life, his health, justice for him denied, and finally the desecration of his grave. I name those I beleive responsible. I quote from official Police documents and sworn statements, and identify those whose words I quote.
Page 1 of the note, points 1 to 13
Points 1* and 2*
following the intervention of Dr Henryk Boloz (pathologist) , and the suspension of Piotrs' post-mortem on the 31st March 2009. The post-mortem ceased to be an "administration" post-mortem, and became a "Prosecutorial" post-mortem. Police are not permitted under Polish Law to attend such procedures, with only a Prosecutor, or in extemis, a Judge present. A specialist Police oficer may, if required, accompany a Prosecutor or judge, in order to take photographic evidence.
Points 2* and 3*,
Officer Prokipczak describes what was occurring in the "dissection room" of the Hospital, and states that : "There I met...Henryk Boloz" . When I raised this with Polish Police, they told me that he was not present in the Post-mortem at all. Well reader, you judge from his own words whether or not Officer Prokipczak walked into the dissecting room and there met Henryk Boloz. Not difficult.
Point 4*,
Dr Boloz informed Officer Prokipczak that ; "He found...on the dead body, injuries that MUST have happened during the pregnancy..."
Medical Doctors, Pathologists, are very careful in their use of words, their choice of words. A crime had been committed, my son Piotr was the victim. I as his father was the victim, but not according to the Polish State. based on Dr Boloz's statement, as recorded by Officer Prokipczak, either a murder had been committed, or manslaughter had occurred. With my beautiful son Piotr the victim.There is no other conclusion to be drawn from Dr Boloz's statement to officer Prokipczak. As indeed was the view of the Prosecutors Office in Gorlice, who immediately instigated a criminal investigation......
A so called investigation. A sham, an attempt to frame me for murder. A joke. An illegal investigation that disappeared . An investigation that proved perjury was quietly ended. All of this happened without me ever being involved as Piotrs father, or in any other way.
Yet still no Prosecutor attended the Post-mortem. Violations of the law and procedure just continuing.
Point 5*
Officer Prokipczak, is very careful in his use of language here, it is obscure, vague, and potentially misleading. So I will clarify what actually occurred. Dr Boloz, when carrying out the post-mortem, did indeed find the appalling injuries on my son Piotrs' body and head. He immediately suspended the "administration" post-mortem, as he is required to do by law. He then informed the prosecution service in Gorlice, The head of which is Prokurator Rejonowa Gorlice Tadeusz cebo, who, by law should have dispatched a Prosecutor to attend the post-mortem, the noe, Prosecutorial post-mortem, - but he didnt bother to do that, instead he told the Police to attend. In violation of law. Hence, Officer Prokipczak arrived, unlawfully.
Point 10*
This is misleading and incomplete, appallingly so. On the 26th march 2009, 2 days before Piotrs' death, his Mother Oliwia Oleksyk attended the surgery of Dr. Borys Welz for what she attempted to pass off as a routine ante-natal visit. It was far from that. during that visit a USG scan was performer. The result of that scan was that Dr. welz "suspected" Hydrocephalus, he did not make a diagnosis. I know this from the sworn statement of Dr Welz himself, which i finally obtained 2 years after Piotrs' death. After this USG, Dr. Welz instructed Oliwia Oleksyk to immediately go to hospital, due to the serious risk to Piotrs' health, and indeed his life. A risk that led to his death less than 48 hours later. This is also part of Dr. Welz's sworn statement.
Oliwia Oleksyk ignored this medical instruction, and went home, and remained there until the next day, despite the danger to Piotrs' life and health.
Point 11*
Officer Prokipczak is now referring to the 27th March 2009. Friday the 27th march 2009. This decision was made, but nothing was done. According to Dr. Welz's sworn evidence, he made a phone call to the specialist clinic in Krakow, and, then goes on to say that, incredibly,
He made no electronic or written request for a bed for oliwia Oleksyk, despite knowing that Piotrs' life was in extreme danger. He claimed that he made a phone call, one phone call to the specialist clinic in Krakow, he claimed that he had no idea who he spoke to in the clinic. He claimed that he could not remember the name of the person he spoke to, or the exact time of this phone call. Dr. welz made no record, of any kind, of this alleged phone call. there is no evidence or proof that any phone call was made by Dr. Welz on Friday the 27th march 2009, nor was it investigated in any way by the Polish State.
Piotrs life was ignored. My son was less than 24 hours from death, yet this so called Doctor, did nothing, and then made no notes. Such desecration and brutality towards the life of my son was established.
Point 12*
Officer Prokipczak is now speaking about approximately 7pm on Satirday the 28th March 2009, more than 24 hours after the alleged phone call by Dr Welz. From his note you would think all of these things (at points 1-12* above), all ahppened in the space of a few hours, not over the course of 3 days. Piotr was dead, who cared, certainly not Dr. Welz, certainly not Officer Prokipczak, as I will sshow in my next pos, which covers the remainder of Officer Prokipczaka' "official note".
Official note? Misleading, incoherent, unlawful note, based on what? However, the next part of the note is, if possible even more disturbing, and would have catstrophic effects on my search for justce for Piotr, and for myself.
Thsi was the monet when the Polish State decided my son Piotr did not matter, as it would do many Times, up to and including the desecration of his grave.
* The attack on me by Officer Prokipczak will be detailed later in this blog, because it is relevent to Piotr.
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